Make Decluttering A New Year’s Resolution

Many of us make promises to ourselves when the new year rolls around, whether we throw ourselves into a new exercise regime or try to shed those Christmas pounds. One thing that is certainly worth putting on your New Year’s Resolutions is decluttering your home.

A YouGov survey found 28 per cent of those who made New Year’s Resolutions in 2019 failed to keep any of them, which was probably because most were too ambitious – from saving money to giving up smoking.

However, decluttering requires you to be proactive instead of abstaining from things, such as alcohol or sweets, which is why it might be easier to accomplish.

Another reason people tend to feel inspired to throw things out in January is because they become fed up of their Christmas decorations and wrapping paper mess. Additionally, they might have received new home décor, clothes, books or treats for presents, which means they need to get rid of the old stuff to find room for the new items.

The Glitter Guide recommends: “Take stock of what you received or purchased over the holidays, and then see what you can donate in order to make space for the newness.”

Anything that doesn’t fit anymore; toys the kids have played to death; kitchen appliances that have now been upgraded; candles, mirrors or picture frames that no longer fit in with the style of the house can be given to charity, leaving you more space for the belongings you really need in 2022.


For items that are broken or worn out, consider getting rubbish clearance in Chiswick.

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