Get Your Home Ready For Autumn
Summer is over, and the darker evenings and colder, damp weather are a sure sign that autumn is with us. It’s a good time to get all those jobs finished off around the home, and a good clean and clear out.
Giving your home a good deep clean before winter arrives is essential. As soon as you close the windows and pop the central heating on, the increased moisture in the home makes it a breeding ground for bacteria and mould, as well as the perfect place for frisky spiders to hide from the cold!
We have a few tips to make sure your home is ready for you to cosy up once the cold weather truly arrives!
Check your boiler and other appliances
Checking your boiler is one of the small checks you can do around the home to avoid any nasty surprises in the depths of winter. Have your boiler inspected, and check that your drains and gutters are clear, as well as checking the roof tiles to preempt any leaks or floods.
Swap in your autumn home accessories
It need not involve a full refurbishment to give the home a different feel for the new season. Dig out the autumnal throws and blankets, get some candles out, and dim the lights for a cosy atmosphere.
Tackle the big jobs you’ve been putting off
Whether that is cleaning your fridge, deep cleaning the oven or organising your wardrobe. These can be tedious jobs, but you’ll feel better about getting them done and out the way.
Get any outdoor jobs done before it gets too cold
Now is the time to get any outdoor jobs done, from giving your house a lick of paint to tiding-up the garden, before the cold weather sets in.
Schedule a set day and time each week to do small jobs
Doing little and often is the way to avoid being overwhelmed with a huge job. Set a day and time in your diary each week to get the small jobs done.
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