Don’t Do Your Spring Clean By Half
Now that the cold snap has ended and the pancakes have been eaten, it should escape nobody’s notice that spring will soon be upon us – and that means it’s time for some spring cleaning.
However, while some will content themselves with a bit of dusting and perhaps introducing soap and mould remover to dark, cobweb-strewn corners that have been neglected for months, you can go a lot further.
Imagine going the whole hog and ruthlessly shifting out a load of rubbish? By making use of a rubbish removal service in Chiswick, you can give your home a spring clean worthy of the name.
You can start with obvious places like your kitchen; this is a great chance to get the fridge cleaned and organised with the removal of various items that may have been occupying its darkest recesses since Christmas. This will help you make it organised and navigable, as well as preventing the emergence of new life forms.
However, the biggest clearance will come from your storerooms and attic. All too often things are stored up there you don’t need and can shift out. Moreover, sometimes they can unwittingly provide a hideout for vermin to live in.
Indeed, if you have an infestation of mice or rats, even some effective pest control may be only temporarily effective; you need to clean out the space to remove the smell, which will otherwise attract them back.
Rather than taking a load of things out of the loft only to put them back, this is a great opportunity to dump the things you don’t need.
If they are still useful in some way, it’s a great idea to give them away to somebody who can make good use of them. But if they are only fit for the dump, don’t forget to be responsible and use the professionals to dispose of them, rather than leaving a mess anywhere.
Now lent is upon us, many folk will be trying to give things up until Easter. But instead of chocolate or beer, perhaps this year it should be clutter.